Wine Tasting with Keeling Andrew in London

As part of our ethos to use a variety of wine suppliers with the choices we make for our stock at The Garnet we were pleased to be able to attend the yearly porfolio tasting in London for Keeling Andrew who we have been proud to use for a few years now.

It’s a hard task of course having to take an afternoon off to sample some of the finest independent winemakers in Europe’s latest offerings, but such is our commitment to the job that you can rely on us!

We’re pleased to announce one of the delicious wines we have selected has already reached us and is on the shelves. It’s a new Greek white from a female winegrower (who we genuinely chose by merit and not because we were trying to ensure counter-balance to some of the incredibly patronising male winegrowers who we had the tedium of meeting on the day and who seemed unable to talk enthusiastically to 3 female wine-buyers).